The two most talked about conditioners for leather boots are Venetian Shoe Cream and Saphir’s Renovateur, so let’s compare the two so you can decide which one
Mink Oil For Boots (Expert Guide) | Pros, Cons, & Alternatives
Expert Verified By: Weston Kay, Leatherworker at Rose Anvil & Mike Larson, Product Design & Development, Red Wing Heritage When it comes to leather
Op-Ed: You Use Too Much Leather Conditioner
What do salt, perfume, and shoe polish have in common? Too much salt ruins an otherwise good batch of cookies, overdoing it on the perfume or cologne is
Review: When You Should and Shouldn’t Use Huberd’s Shoe Grease
Huberd’s is a small American company based in Bennett, Colorado, and they’ve been in the shoe grease business since 1921. The company produces a variety of
Review: Cobbler’s Choice Leather Conditioner on Viberg Boots
Cobbler's Choice is a very new shoe care company based in New York City, and they’re very proud of the fact that all of their products are made with all natural
Kiwi Conditioning Oil Review – How to Use and Before & After
Despite the very New Zealand name, Kiwi was actually launched in Australia in 1906 (by a man with a New Zealand wife) and it’s since become phenomenally
Leather Honey Review: Does It Cover Up Scuffs?
Leather Honey is the number one selling leather conditioner on Amazon right now. If you are searching for leather conditioner or even, yes, boot conditioner,
Sof Sole Mink Oil Review – It’s Not Actually Mink Oil?
Is mink oil the fountain of youth for your boots? I decided to pick some up to see if they could work on some four-year-old Thursday boots. Now, these boots
Saphir Renovateur Review | The World’s Best Boot Conditioner?
Saphir's Renovateur is the crème de la shoe crème. It is the fanciest, schmanciest, priciest leather conditioning product you're likely to find, and it has
Venetian Shoe Cream Review and How to Use
It's fair to say that Venetian Shoe Cream is the go-to product for conditioning boots. Whether you're talking about boots that are outdoorsy or dressy,
Red Wing Boot Oil Vs. Mink Oil – What’s Best for Waterproofing and Maintaining Color?
Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t lose your Red Wings to the wrong conditioner. Take a look at these Red Wing Iron Rangers, perhaps the most