Saphir's Renovateur is the crème de la shoe crème. It is the fanciest, schmanciest, priciest leather conditioning product you're likely to find and it has
Does It Matter If Your Leather Conditioner Has Petroleum?
If you’ve already invested in a pair of quality leather boots, you probably know how important leather conditioner is. A good conditioner will do a lot for you:
Venetian Shoe Cream Review and How to Use
It's fair to say that Venetian Shoe Cream is the go-to product for conditioning boots. Whether you're talking about boots that are outdoorsy or dressy,
Red Wing Boot Oil Vs. Mink Oil – What’s Best for Waterproofing and Maintaining Color?
Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t lose your Red Wings to the wrong conditioner. Take a look at these Red Wing Iron Rangers, perhaps the most
3 Reasons You Need Cedar Shoe Trees
So, you’ve bought yourself a few pairs of high-quality leather boots. Congratulations! Your wardrobe and I thank you. Not only have you upped your fashion game,
The Right Way to Waterproof Nice Boots
If you own a quality pair of shoes and you know what you’re doing, then you make sure you condition the leather every few months. Leather, after all, is skin.