When you buy shoes, what do you usually focus on? As a boot enthusiast, I would often pay more attention to the fit. I would research and read articles
6 Ways to Darken Leather Boots | Mink, Coconut, Pine, and More
Most guys try to avoid darkening their leather boots. But maybe you bought a pair online and the lighting in those marketing pics made the color look lighter
How to Shrink Leather Boots – Dos & Don’ts
Expert Verified By: Mike Larson, Global Product Design & Development Manager | Red Wing Heritage & Michael Batson, Vice President | North Star
Saddle Soap vs Mink Oil: What Should You Put On Your Boots?
You’ve got an impressive pair of beloved boots that have seen one too many winters, way too much oil and grease, and tons of miles of wear and tear. How do you
The Right and Wrong Ways to Stretch Calves of Leather Boots
Have you purchased a pair of tall boots that are uncomfortably tight in calf? The last thing you want to do is buy a new pair of $300 boots! The good news is
5 Home Remedies to Clean Your Chuck Taylor Sneakers
A hundred million Chuck Taylor All Stars are sold every year (seriously) and I've owned at least one pair ever since I was fifteen years old. (My first pair was
How to Use Saddle Soap to Clean Your Boots
Expert Verified By: Weston Kay | Leatherworker & Rose Anvil Founder Saddle soap is the go-to product for cleaning leather. But people get a bit nervous
5 Things to Look for When Buying Used Boots
The boot journey involves a lot of time, effort and most importantly, capital. We can spin off how these boots are investments but really, how often do we get
Venetian Shoe Cream vs Saphir Renovateur Comparison
The two most talked about conditioners for leather boots are Venetian Shoe Cream and Saphir’s Renovateur, so let’s compare the two so you can decide which one
Review: How to Use Birchees Leather Conditioner
There are countless leather care products on the market, many carrying decades of lore and legend that culminate in their present-day reputation among
How to Care for Thursday’s Rugged & Resilient Leather
Expert Verified By: Trenton Potter, Cobbler & Footwear Expert Thursday Boot Company’s Rugged & Resilient leather has been tremendously successful for
Here’s Where You Can Buy Perfect LL Bean Replacement Laces
Back in the good ole days, you could get LL Bean replacement laces for your iconic 8’’ duck boots by invoking the magic of their lifetime guarantee. Alas, gone
Here’s How to Get Salt Stains Out of Your Shoes & Boots
A mentor once told me, "If you take good care of your tools, they'll take good care of you." This wisdom applies beyond tools to clothing as well. For
Mink Oil For Boots (Expert Guide) | Pros, Cons, & Alternatives
Expert Verified By: Weston Kay, Leatherworker at Rose Anvil & Mike Larson, Product Design & Development, Red Wing Heritage When it comes to leather
4 Fun Ways to Personalize Your Boots
In a recent interview Virgil Abloh, the man who founded Off-White and the artistic director of Louis Vuitton, said "streetwear is dead." Now, what did he
5 Best Leather Conditioners for Boots: Tested & Reviewed
I've been creating detailed, lovingly crafted reviews of leather conditioners for years — and had briefly had a decline in YouTube views as a result — but if
Op-Ed: You Use Too Much Leather Conditioner
What do salt, perfume, and shoe polish have in common? Too much salt ruins an otherwise good batch of cookies, overdoing it on the perfume or cologne is
Review: When You Should and Shouldn’t Use Huberd’s Shoe Grease
Huberd’s is a small American company based in Bennett, Colorado, and they’ve been in the shoe grease business since 1921. The company produces a variety of
Review: Cobbler’s Choice Leather Conditioner on Viberg Boots
Cobbler's Choice is a very new shoe care company based in New York City, and they’re very proud of the fact that all of their products are made with all natural
Kiwi Conditioning Oil Review – How to Use and Before & After
Despite the very New Zealand name, Kiwi was actually launched in Australia in 1906 (by a man with a New Zealand wife) and it’s since become phenomenally
Leather Honey Review: Does It Cover Up Scuffs?
Leather Honey is the number one selling leather conditioner on Amazon right now. If you are searching for leather conditioner or even, yes, boot conditioner,
Sof Sole Mink Oil Review – It’s Not Actually Mink Oil?
Is mink oil the fountain of youth for your boots? I decided to pick some up to see if they could work on some four-year-old Thursday boots. Now, these boots
Bickmore Bick 4 Leather Conditioner Review: Doesn’t Darken Leather?
Bickmore has been in the leather care game since 1882, when they started out by making products to soothe sores on horses that were caused by their
How to Clean Suede Boots – Everything You Should Know About Cleaning Suede
Beauty on the eye, nappy to the touch, and a masterstroke on many dress styles, suede is both rugged and soft, and it makes for a great addition to a boot